A deep freeze has descended on New York City just a few days before I leave for a full US / Canadian tour with Pharmakon and I am left bored in my room with a cold. I usually wait longer between photo updates, but this past month or so have been pretty prolific. I feel freer just knowing what I am about to do. Treacherous, redundant days are numbered. The smog has been cut.

Mike & Elias. Late night after Cheena show. The day I quit my job to go on tour.
Mike & Elias. Late night after Cheena show. The day I quit my job to go on tour.
Ht me on my celly.
Rolling dice at Molasses Books.
Rolling dice at Molasses Books.
Karaoke night at 538.
Alexis Gross.
Alexis Gross.
Barry & some love birds. New Years Day.
Mose. Institute at Silent Barn.

Horoscope at Silent Barn.
Horoscope at Silent Barn.
Puce Mary & Rodger Stella Collab.
Puce Mary & Rodger Stella Collab.
Underwater contact mic subjected to cheap red wine and sour cream and onion chips. Appetite at Silent Barn.
Underwater contact mic subjected to cheap red wine and sour cream and onion chips. Appetite at Silent Barn.
Gotta eat.
Gotta eat.
Spirital Recess at Legion.
Spiritual Recess at Legion.
Max rolling at a Glue show taking flicks with his new selfie stick at Saint Vitus.
Max rolling at a Glue show taking flicks with his new selfie stick at Saint Vitus.
Weird Luke & Alex Heir.
Rick Weaver at Legion.
Rick Weaver at Legion.
Nandas at Saint Vitus.
Nandas at Saint Vitus.

Sort of secret commission project in the works.
Sort of secret commission project in the works.
Glue at Saint Vitus.
Glue at Saint Vitus.


Wolf Eyes playing a surprise set at the Lamb Skin/ Sagan Youth Boys show that I booked at Acheron.
Customized box at Warthog/Pharmakon/Hoax show
“Varmakon”: Var/ Pharmakon collaboration for their record release show
Russian Tsarlag setting fire to my plastic beer bag at the Ho_se
Sparse stage dive situation at Fitness center for Arts and Tactics
Sonya and Emma in Montreal
The nice lady at Enla Photo who develops my photos for me
Disturbing tree
Secret Boyfriend
Chealsea and her choker: “Fuck forever” “Sex Maniac”
Puce Mary at Sacred Bones at a Northside showcase
Pineapple door stop and stems
Her against a woodland wallpaper
Nick beating Fizz with a belt
Narwhalz of Sound flipping over his gear table
Two babes eating ice cream cake topped with Psilocybin mushrooms
Miles with my Hello Kitty umbrella in the backyard
The drummer of Medicine with a girl backstage when before he told me he collaborated with Whitehouse
DJ Dog Dick swinging from the rafters with his legs around Mike
Chris Hansell and Margaret Chardiet with a hot dog on the fourth of July
Margaret after I tattooed my name on her arm
Jesse Riggins with a peach and an alien and New York City
Jess Poplawski from Survival
Hoax record release show
Griffin and his RV
Lamb Skin as a gothik baby princess with angel wings
Fertile Myrle
Fizz post whipping
Fizz and his sweatpants
Danny during his bartending shift
Crazy Jim from Wolf Eyes
Cities Aviv double exposure
Chris and Sully eating ice cream
Chris and Mac DeMarco
My altar
Ciarra at a Bunker Party at a Chinese Buffet in Ridgewood