Mata Noise gallery and Art/Noise are pleased to present “Why I Use My Body”, the first Los Angeles solo showing of artist Jane “Pain” Chardiet. 

“A photo series that explores self-inflicted corporeal punishment as a response to trauma.”

Using female models, Jane Chardiet set out to capture self-harming behaviors that have burdened her own life as well as the lives of her models in 35MM film. The photos exhibited are part one of Chardiet’s series which will culminate in the anthology “Why I Use My Body” published next year by Dark Chart Publications. Jane Pain’s work reflects on the use of the body in art and music and closely reflects on her own performances under monikers The Waitress  and Appetite

“Why I Use My Body” will feature live sets by performers who have a history of mixing performance with noise:  Appetite (noise duo featuring Jane Chardiet), Timeghost (Providence RI based biomechanical industrial noise), Saran Man (New York) and Nephila (Shannon Kennedy, Los Angeles)

Art//Noise is an ongoing a series of performances and installations pairing visual work with extreme underground music. “Why I Use My Body” its the sixth episode.

Jane “Pain” Chardiet lives and works in New York City.


If you can not make it to the show, I also have a new zine for sale here .




This is by no means a comprehensive photo documentation of the weekend. Simply a few snaps of one of the most inspiring and insane weekends I have ever enjoyed in semi-chronological order. Shout out to all who made it possible, to smoke machines for looking really cool but making it really hard to take pictures and, of course, to astroglide.

Destruction Unit at the Studio at Webster Hall.
Destruction Unit at the Studio at Webster Hall.
Drew McDowell (Coil)
Drew McDowell (Coil)
Hanging up flyers before the July 4 show at Palisades.
Hanging up flyers before the July 4 show at Palisades.
Chelsea in "the alley".
Chelsea in “the alley”.
Outmode's special set which had to be altered to be performed with only one hand.
Outmode’s special set which had to be altered to be performed with only one hand.
Sandy dancin'.
Sandy dancin’.
White Boys: Jock Club + Speedboat.
White Boys: Jock Club + Speedboat.
Emil performing with Marshstepper.
Emil performing with Marshstepper.
Nick Nappa
Nick Nappa
Jerome. Insaneeee set by the artist formally known as Lazy Magnet.
Jerome. Insaneeee set by the artist formally known as Lazy Magnet.
Margaret Chardiet
Scout Pare-Phillips.


Incomplete beach crew... Far Rockaway.
Incomplete beach crew… Far Rockaway.
David Allan Coe booty shorts.
David Allan Coe booty shorts.
Margaret Chardiet and Zz.
Margaret Chardiet and Zz.


Josh + Party Tom in matching shades in front of the lovely ghetto by the sea.
Josh + Party Tom in matching shades in front of the lovely ghetto by the sea.
Ciarra Black
Ciarra Black
We went to go see my Dad play in a surf band while the sun set before heading to Redlight District.
We went to go see my Dad play in a surf band while the sun set before heading to Redlight District.
Hosetown Hazin Craze, a homemade amusement park brought to you by Yellow Tears in celebration of the release of "Golden Showers May Bring Flowers".
Hosetown Hazin Craze, a homemade amusement park brought to you by Yellow Tears in celebration of the release of “Golden Showers May Bring Flowers”.
Nightmare slip n slide. Still covered in bruises.
Nightmare slip n slide. Still covered in bruises.
Better grab your shower cap, things are going to get wet.
Better grab your shower cap, things are going to get wet.
Nikki Sneakers getting dunked in the dunk tank.
Nikki Sneakers getting dunked in the dunk tank.
Saran "Mon" Man.
Saran “Mon” Man.
Mike reppin' Mommy during L.O.I.T.O.N.
Mike reppin’ Mommy during L.O.I.T.O.N.


Mercury Living.
Mercury Living.

Love is the Law, love under will. Thee end.
Love is the Law, love under will. Thee end.




This year marked the fifth Savage Weekend, a two day noise festival hosted annually at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Curated by Ryan Martin (AKA Ry Mar AKA Secret Boyfriend AKA the dude who does Hot Releases), Savage Weekend always offers a fun spirited and diverse plethora of projects. Whether you want harsh noise, hard techno or performance based weirdness, there is always a little something for everyone. Ry Mar has threatened that Savage Weekend 2014 may be the last, which would be a shame and a loss. No other noise fest of it’s kind offers such great vibes, good biscuits or general savagery. It has been a great delight to attend the past four years and watch some projects grow, watch some projects begin to bud.

I would not have started to play solo if it were not for Ry Mar’s encouragement. Three years ago, he asked me to play Savage Weekend. I told him I would DJ, as I did not have a project at the time. He told me there were no DJs, that he wanted me to play and that it didn’t matter that I didn’t have a project. My multimedia project The Waitress was born. I still carry the crumbled up dollar that I chased around on a stick while being dominated live in a waitress costume in my synth bag for good luck.

I recently resurrected an old project with Ciarra Black, Appetite. Before preparing for Savage Weekend 2014 we had only played one show three years ago- a Secret Boyfriend/ Lack show that I set up in Philly as my going away party before moving to New York. I am not so sure I would have if it were not for the push of performing at the fest this year. While trying to write new material for The Waitress, everything seemed to come up flat. I decided it was time to hang up the apron and explore new territory. I am grateful for the push every year. I really hope that this was not the last Savage Weekend, as every year has been as fun as it was inspiring but if it was- I will always have a lot of love for Ry Mar and for the fest and for everyone who participated in any capacity. These pictures are not even representative of all the awe inspiring things that I heard and saw, just the things I managed to get a decent snap of. Hope to see many of you next year.


Party Tom chewing on his own toenails.
Charmaine’s Names.
Bloodied broken glass, the aftermath of SECTS.
Rick Weaver and his ketchup hair gel/ cool guy style.
Four friends reunited to wreck havoc on a small town.
Rotting severed deer head.
Hand of a Hunnie Bunny.
Profligate in the light of day.
Miguel Alvariño + Nick Klein.
Not sure who I am sitting on or who some of these people are but group shot #1.
V Manuscript.


Licking the boot while listening to Jimmy Buffett.
The crowd during Pvre Matrix.
Sagan Youth Boys blasted me off into outer space.
New Yorkers in paradise.
This girl Aurora that I met for two seconds who looked so damn good I snapped this candidly and was then told that she hates having her photo taken? Think I am getting the death stare but it was worth it.
Eating some fucking crab chips at a gas station, somewhere.
My cupcake.
Flex 1000.
Emily of VVQART.
T Func.
Tinnitus Stimulus crowd surfing.
Tinnitus Stimulus after getting a golden shower.
Our kooky NYC crew + Alene. Group shot #2.